Measuring blood pressure in children
Measuring blood pressure in children, and diagnosing hypertension (High Blood Pressure), is a major issue in their management. Because hypertension is most often asymptomatic, routine measurements are needed to identify it.
Unlike in adults, blood pressure (BP) norms vary according to the patient’s sex, age and height up to the age of 13 years, which also complicates the diagnosis of hypertension. In this tool, the practitioner will have to indicate this information as well as his systolic and diastolic blood pressure. According to these values, and according to the information contained in the tables of blood pressure standards published in 2017, a result will be given to him concerning the blood pressure (normal BP, high BP, stage 1 BP, stage 2 BP) accompanied by a brief course of action according to the result obtained, which will guide the practitioner according to the severity of the BP and harmonize the management of this pathology.