Reference center for rare placental pathologies in monochorionic pregnancies (PaRaDiGM)
The area of expertise of the reference center for rare placental pathologies in monochorionic pregnancies (PaRaDiGM) includes rare complications related to the specific vascularization of the placentas of monochorionic multiple pregnancies and their consequences on the children resulting from these pregnancies.
Multiple pregnancies from monochorionic placentation represent 0.4% of pregnancies, i.e. around 2800 pregnancies / year in France.
There are four rare and specific complications, occurring in 15% of these monochorionic pregnancies:
- Twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)
- Twin anemia-polycythemia sequence(TAPS)
- Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion (TRAP) sequence
- Selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR) with severe hemodynamic disorders
When these complications occur, the treatment consists of performing in utero fetoscopic surgery performed by a fetal medicine center of expertise.
Children resulting from these complicated pregnancies are at risk of specific hemodynamic and metabolic disorders, which require special paediatric care.
This reference center is affiliated with the AnDDI-Rares rare diseases healthcare network.
Keywords: Twin pregnancy, monochorionic pregnancy, twin to twin transfusion syndrome, selective intrauterine growth restriction, TAPS (twin anemia polycythemia sequence), TRAP (twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence)
Pr Yves Ville
Dr Claire Colmant
In case of emergency
There are four rare and specific complications, occurring in 15% of these monochorionic pregnancies:
- Twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)
- Twin anemia-polycythemia sequence(TAPS)
- Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence
- Selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR) with severe hemodynamic disorders
- Pr Yves Ville, surgeon in obstetrics and gynecology
- Dr Claire Colmant, surgeon in obstetrics and gynecology
- Pr Laurent Salomon, surgeon in obstetrics and gynecology
- Dr Julien Stirnemann, surgeon in obstetrics and gynecology
- Dr Laurence Bussières, clinical research unit biologist
- Contribution of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) : Thanks to the creation of the clinical research platform in foetal imaging “LUMIERE”, located at the Necker-Enfants malades hospital, our team was able to acquire a 1.5-tesla MRI machine dedicated to the foetus exploration during pregnancy. The aims are :
- The identification of placental functional variations using functional MRI sequences (T2*, BOLD, etc.)
- To improve preoperative placental mapping to optimize surgical care
- The early assessment of impact on foetal and neonatal brain development
- Functional genomics : Thanks to collaborations with teams from the Imagine Institute and the CNRS, whose expertise is renowned for high throughput sequencing, our team will submit a generic call for projects to the ANR in order to identify the transcriptional and epigenetic variations linked to placental pathologies of monochorionic pregnancies. The ultimate objective would be to identify early markers of complications during monochorionic pregnancy.
Furthermore, the national project, “Pediatric follow-up of twins with twin-twin transfusion syndrome at 4 and 6 years of age”, of which our coordinating centre is the principal investigator, lunched in 2004, is still ongoing in order to follow the future of these children in adolescence until the age of 20. This cohort will therefore be one of the only ones whose patient active file is followed, up to adulthood.
Inter-university diploma in gynecological and obstetrical ultrasound
Paris Cité, Paris-Est Créteil, Strasbourg, Brest, Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Toulouse and Tours universities.
Inter-university diploma in fetal medicine
Paris Cité, Paris Saclay, Bordeaux, Lille, Montpellier, Rennes and Tours universities.
BCPP master option « prenatal screening » or « fetal medicine diagnosis ».
Paris Cité university
- Selective vs complete fetoscopic coagulation of vascular equator: a matched comparative study.
Bartin R, Colmant C, Bourgon N, Carrier A, Ville Y, Stirnemann J.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2022 Sep, PMID: 35500610 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2022.04.047 - Effect of gestational age at laser therapy on perinatal outcome in monochorionic diamniotic pregnancies affected by twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome.
Bartin R, Colmant C, Bourgon N, Ville Y, Stirnemann J
BJOG. 2022 Nov, PMID: 35596696 DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.17228
- Intrauterine fetoscopic laser surgery versus expectant management in stage 1 twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: an international randomized trial.
Stirnemann J, Slaghekke F, Khalek N, Winer N, Johnson A, Lewi L, Massoud M, Bussieres L, Aegerter P, Hecher K, Senat MV, Ville Y.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2021 May, PMID: 33248135 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2020.11.031 - Impact of different prenatal management strategies in short- and long-term outcomes in monochorionic twin pregnancies with selective intrauterine growth restriction and abnormal flow velocity waveforms in the umbilical artery Doppler: a retrospective observational study of 108 cases.
Colmant C, Lapillonne A, Stirnemann J, Belaroussi I, Leroy-Terquem E, Kermovant-Duchemin E, Bussieres L, Ville Y.
BJOG. 2021 Jan, PMID: 32416618 DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.16318
- Management of monochorionic twins discordant for structural fetal anomalies.
Corroenne R, Al Ibrahim A, Stirnemann J, Zayed LH, Essaoui M, Russell NE, Chalouhi GE, Salomon LJ, Ville Y.
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Badaoui S, Grevent D, Salomon LJ, Ville Y, Stirnemann J.
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Nov, PMID: 32365244 DOI: 10.1002/uog.22067
- Good clinical practice advice: Management of twin pregnancy.
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- Impact of laser therapy for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome on subsequent pregnancy.
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Stirnemann J, Djaafri F, Kim A, Mediouni I, Bussieres L, Spaggiari E, Veluppillai C, Lapillonne A, Kermorvant E, Magny JF, Colmant C, Ville Y.
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- Twin-twin transfusion syndrome – What we have learned from clinical trials.
Djaafri F, Stirnemann J, Mediouni I, Colmant C, Ville Y.
Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2017 Dec, PMID: 29122542 DOI: 10.1016/j.siny.2017.08.005
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Chalouhi GE, Quibel T, Benzina N, Bernard JP, Essaoui M, Ville Y.
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Beauquier-Maccotta B, Chalouhi GE, Picquet AL, Carrier A, Bussières L, Golse B, Ville Y.
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- Pulmonary stenosis in complicated monochorionic twin pregnancies: prevalence, management and outcome.
Stagnati V, Chalouhi GE, Essaoui M, Giuseppi A, Stirnemann JJ, Le Bidois J, Ville Y.
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- Active management of selective intrauterine growth restriction with abnormal Doppler in monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies diagnosed in the second trimester of pregnancy.
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- Timing of delivery following selective laser photocoagulation for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome.
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- Specific complications of monochorionic twin pregnancies: twin-twin transfusion syndrome and twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence.
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Twin pregnancies: what is feto-fetal transfusion syndrome?
Parents | 04.26.2023
In a monochorionic pregnancy, where twins share the same placenta, an anomaly called feto-fetal transfusion syndrome can occur. What is this syndrome? How is it managed? We take a look at the situation with Pr Yves Ville, obstetrician-gynecologist and coordinator of the feto-fetal transfusion syndrome reference center at Necker hospital, Paris.
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When fetal surgery saves the lives of endangered twins
Allo Docteurs | 12.14.2022
Feto-fetal transfusion syndrome is one of the most feared complications in the pregnancies of identical twins. To save these babies’ lives, they are operated on before birth, in utero. Report from Necker hospital.
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Pregnant with twins, how should you monitor your pregnancy?
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Why do multiple pregnancies require special monitoring ?
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Twins, triplets, quadruplets… Expecting several babies at the same time remains rare. Nevertheless, multiple pregnancies are becoming increasingly common.
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Yves Ville, prenatal surgeon
Le Monde | 05.18.2015
This obstetrician-surgeon at Necker hospital operates in utero on fetuses with serious malformations.
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Operating in utero, the challenge of the 21st century
Destination santé | 09.24.2012
From the moment of conception, some children suffer from life-threatening malformations or pathologies. For almost forty years now, doctors have not hesitated to consider surgical intervention on the fetus. Professor Yves Ville, head of the gynecology/obstetrics department at Necker hospital in Paris and a member of the French National Academy of Medicine, tells us the story of this sinuous path. He speaks from experience, as he himself was one of the pioneers of this new form of surgery.
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Contact information
Necker-Enfants malades university Hospital
> Obstetrics department
149 rue de Sèvres
75743 PARIS Cedex 15
In Necker, the reference center for rare placental pathologies in monochorionic pregnancies (PaRaDiGM) in brief …
* data valid for 2022