Are your patients concerned by our reference center?
- Gynecological care (often neglected sometimes taboo) in cases of rare chronic pathology.
- Integrating gynecological care into the care of patients followed from an early age: one of the challenges of the transition.
- Evaluate and care the impact of chronic disease on pubertal development.
- Assess and care the impact of hormonal status on the course of chronic disease.
- Prevent and care menstruation disorders related to hemostasis pathologies: hemorrhagic risk.
- Offer contraception in the event of chronic pathologies: benefit-risk balance.
- Do not aggravate the underlying pathology.
- Take into account the risks associated with the prescription of contraception in the context of the pathology (eg: vascular risk and estrogen-progestogen contraception).
- Discuss the interactions between treatments and contraception.
- Consider, organize the preservation of fertility.
- Plan and organize the follow-up of high-risk pregnancies.
- Allow multidisciplinary care of utero vaginal malformations by expert surgeons and psychologists.
- Offer therapeutic education programs on themes related to sexuality and femininity.
Pathologies labeled by the center
- Repercussions and gynecological consequences of rare chronic diseases (puberty, specificity of hormonal treatments, contraception, sexuality, fertility …)
- Hereditary hemorrhagic diseases exposing to severe genital hemorrhages.
- Rare breast pathologies: giant fibroadenoma, gigantomastia, mammary polyadenomatosis.
- Utero-vaginal malformations: uterine duplicity, utero-vaginal aplasia.
To make an appointment
Necker-Enfants malades university hospital – Paris
Pediatric endocrinology, gynecology and diabetology department
- Coordinating doctor: Pr Michel Polak
- Medical gynecologists: Dr Sabrina Da Costa, Dr Maud Bidet
- Psychologists: Chloé Ouallouche, Karinne Gueniche
- Rare disease center coordinator: Magali Viaud
Phone. +33 (0)1 71 19 64 38
Appointment requests should be sent by email to Karine Germano or Kassandra Jeuffrault except for Rokitansky syndrome for which requests should be sent to Magali Viaud
Pitié-Salpétrière university hospital – Paris
Department of endocrinology and reproductive medicine (adults)
- Site referral physician: Pr Philippe Touraine
- Medical gynecologists: Dr Zeina Chakhtoura, N.
- Endocrinologists, Reproductive Medicine:
- Prof. Philippe Touraine, Dr Carine Courtillot, Prof. Anne Bachelot
- Psychologist: Sabine Malivoir
- Clinical research associate: Isabelle Tejedor
Children’s Hospital – Toulouse (children and adults)
- Site referral physician: Dr Catherine Pienkowski
- Secretariat: Phone. +33 (0)5 34 55 85 56
- Pediatric endocrinologists, child and adolescent gynecologists:
Dr Catherine Pienkowski, Dr Audrey Cartault - Medical gynecologist: Dr Perrine Ernoult
- Infant gynecologist surgeon: Dr Sofia Mouttalib
- Adult endocrinologist: Dr Solange Grunenwald